fix permissions for user ctng before cross toolchain build (v0.8.4)
optimize detection of prefix directory
new function to symlink the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to a wrong location
show the last compiler include path on toolchain info in the "Library Update Menu"
echo -e "\033[2K\r"; #remove characters from console
case "$1" in
"PCSC") #Create symlink to the PCSC header files, if the last include path of the compiler don't point to it
echo -e "\nCheck for PCSC header files and try to symlink to the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to the wrong location...";
if [ ${#incdir} -gt 0 ] && [ ! -d "$incdir/PCSC" ]; then
headerdir="$(dirname $(find "$prefixdir" -type f -name "pcsclite.h" | head -n 1))";
[ ${#headerdir} -gt 0 ] && echo "Symlink $incdir/PCSC -> $headerdir created, to point to the PCSC header files." || "No PCSC header files found in $prefixdir and it's sub directories!";
[ ${#incdir} -gt 0 ] && echo "PCSC header files are in the correct location: $incdir/PCSC" || echo "Compiler returns no include directories!";
"#Filename and optional version number to check in pkgconfig folder for an existing library to get version information"
"#Valid URL for downloading sources of library\n#List of build commands below. Pay attention to the SEMICOLON at the end of EACH\n#command and the correct quoting (' or \") for or to avoid expansion of variables.\n#Tokens @TOOLCHAIN@, @CC@, @RANLIB@, @PREFIX@, @HOST@ are replaced automatically."
"#Valid URL for downloading sources of library\n#List of build commands below. Pay attention to the SEMICOLON at the end of EACH\n#command and the correct quoting (' or \") for or to avoid expansion of variables.\n#Tokens @TOOLCHAIN@, @CC@, @RANLIB@, @PREFIX@, @HOST@, @VALIDATE@ are replaced automatically."