the plugin now expects to run as a normal user instead of root
added error messages on cross toolchain actions when running the plugin as root
no longer changes folder and file permissions
removed CTNG_USER option for toolchain creation
new option CTNG_BUILD_AS_ROOT to force cross-tool creation as root (Please reset the config file)
downgrade dream_mipsel cross toolchain glibc version from 2.30 to 2.24
optimize fix permissions for user ctng before cross toolchain build
avoid error output on symlink detection for include directory
add crosstool-NG build task commands in config (upgradeconfig, show-config; Please reset the config file)# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
optimize detection of prefix directory
new function to symlink the correct PCSC header files if the last compiler include path points to a wrong location
show the last compiler include path on toolchain info in the "Library Update Menu"
update cross toolchain templates to newest crosstool-NG version
fix version detection of installed libraries in toolchains
config file updates (Please reset the config file)
optimization of temp path handling to support the execution of multiple instances of s3
correct path setting in config builder function
fix library version detection
beautifying details on some menus
./s3 tcupdate -r or ./s3 tcupdate --reset
Reset the config file determines the most recent versions and download links for the libraries dynamically via the Github API
Rework download function to handle content disposition
Remove config file from repository