stale-issue-message: 'We are clearing up our old issues and your ticket has been open for 6 months with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days.'
stale-pr-message: 'We are clearing up our old Pull Requests and yours has been open for 6 months with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days.'
close-issue-message: 'This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 7 days with no activity.'
close-pr-message: 'This PR was closed because it has been stalled for 7 days with no activity.'
It is a 10 minutes live demo, all data will be deleted after that. The server is located at Tokyo, if you live far away from here, it may affact your experience. I suggest that you should install to try it.
It is a temporary live demo, all data will be deleted after 10 minutes. The server is located at Tokyo, so if you live far from there it may affect your experience. I suggest that you should install and try it out for the best demo experience.
VPS is sponsored by Uptime Kuma sponsors on [Open Collective](! Thank you so much!
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ VPS is sponsored by Uptime Kuma sponsors on [Open Collective](https://opencollec
* Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / Ping / DNS Record / Push.
* Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX.
* Notifications via Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP), and [70+ notification services, click here for the full list](
⚠ Warning: K8s deployment is provided by contributors. I have no experience with K8s and I can't fix error in the future. I only test Docker and Node.js. Use at your own risk.
## How does it work?
Kustomize is a tool which builds a complete deployment file for all config elements.
You can edit the files in the ```uptime-kuma``` folder except the ```kustomization.yml``` until you know what you're doing.
If you want to choose another namespace you can edit the ```kustomization.yml``` in the ```kubernetes```-Folder and change the ```namespace: uptime-kuma``` to something you like.
It creates a certificate with the specified Issuer and creates the Ingress for the Uptime-Kuma ClusterIP-Service.
## What do I have to edit?
You have to edit the ```ingressroute.yml``` to your needs.
This ingressroute.yml is for the [nginx-ingress-controller]( in combination with the [cert-manager](
- Host
- Secrets and secret names
- (Cluster)Issuer (optional)
- The Version in the Deployment-File
- Update:
- Change to newer version and run the above commands, it will update the pods one after another
// Mark as important if status changed, ignore pending pings,
// Don't notify if disrupted changes to up
// Send only if the first beat is DOWN
letnotificationList=awaitR.getAll("SELECT notification.* FROM notification, monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? AND monitor_notification.notification_id = ",[
letnotificationList=awaitR.getAll("SELECT notification.* FROM notification, monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? AND monitor_notification.notification_id = ",[
// If host is omitted, the server will accept connections on the unspecified IPv6 address (::) when IPv6 is available and the unspecified IPv4 address ( otherwise.
ItishighlyrecommendedyoucreateanewuseranddonotuseyourownMatrixuser's access token as it will allow full access to your account and all the rooms you joined. Instead, create a new user and only invite it to the room that you want to receive the notification in. You can get the access token by running <code>curl -XPOST -d '{"type":"m.login.password","identifier":{"user":"botusername","type":""},"password":"passwordforuser"}'"https://home.server/_matrix/client/r0/login"</code>.
wayToGetTelegramToken:"Можете да получите токен от {0}.",
"Chat ID":"Чат ID",
supportTelegramChatID:"Поддържа Direct Chat / Group / Channel's Chat ID",
wayToGetTelegramChatID:"Можете да получите вашето чат ID, като изпратите съобщение на бота, след което е нужно да посетите този URL адрес за да го видите:",
chatIDNotFound:"Чат ID не е намерено. Моля, първо изпратете съобщение до този бот",
"Post URL":"Post URL адрес",
"Content Type":"Тип съдържание",
webhookJsonDesc:"{0} е подходящ за всички съвременни http сървъри, като например express.js",
webhookFormDataDesc:"{multipart} е подходящ за PHP, нужно е да анализирате json чрез {decodeFunction}",
secureOptionNone:"Няма (25) / STARTTLS (587)",
secureOptionTLS:"TLS (465)",
"Ignore TLS Error":"Игнорирай TLS грешките",
"From Email":"От имейл адрес",
emailCustomSubject:"Модифициране на тема",
"To Email":"Получател имейл адрес",
smtpCC:"Явно копие до имейл адрес:",
smtpBCC:"Скрито копие до имейл адрес:",
"Discord Webhook URL":"Discord URL адрес на уеб кука",
wayToGetDiscordURL:"Може да създадете, от меню \"Настройки на сървъра\" -> \"Интеграции\" -> \"Уеб куки\" -> \"Нова уеб кука\"",
"Bot Display Name":"Име на бота, което да се показва",
appriseNotInstalled:"Apprise не е инсталиран. {0}",
"Access Token":"Токен код за достъп",
"Channel access token":"Канал токен код",
"Line Developers Console":"Line - Конзола за разработчици",
lineDevConsoleTo:"Line - Конзола за разработчици - {0}",
"Basic Settings":"Основни настройки",
"User ID":"Потребител ID",
"Messaging API":"API за известяване",
wayToGetLineChannelToken:"Необходимо е първо да посетите {0}, за да създадете (Messaging API) за доставчик и канал, след което може да вземете токен кода за канал и потребителско ID от споменатите по-горе елементи на менюто.",
"Icon URL":"URL адрес за иконка",
aboutIconURL:"Може да предоставите линк към картинка в поле \"URL Адрес за иконка\" за да отмените картинката на профила по подразбиране. Няма да се използва, ако вече сте настроили емотикон.",
aboutMattermostChannelName:"Може да замените канала по подразбиране, към който публикува уеб куката, като въведете името на канала в полето \"Канал име\". Tрябва да бъде активирано в настройките за уеб кука на Mattermost. Например: #other-channel",
promosmsTypeEco:"СМС ECO - евтин, но бавен. Често е претоварен. Само за получатели от Полша.",
promosmsTypeFlash:"СМС FLASH - Съобщението автоматично се показва на устройството на получателя. Само за получатели от Полша.",
promosmsTypeFull:"СМС FULL - Високо ниво на СМС услуга. Може да използвате Вашето име като подател (Необходимо е първо да регистрирате името). Надежден метод за съобщения тип тревога.",
promosmsTypeSpeed:"СМС SPEED - Най-висок приоритет в системата. Много бърза и надеждна, но същвременно скъпа услуга. (Около два пъти по-висока цена в сравнение с SMS FULL).",
promosmsPhoneNumber:"Телефонен номер (за получатели от Полша, може да пропуснете въвеждането на код за населено място)",
promosmsSMSSender:"СМС Подател име: Предварително регистрирано име или някое от имената по подразбиране: InfoSMS, SMS Info, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
"Feishu WebHookUrl":"Feishu URL адрес за уеб кука",
matrixHomeserverURL:"Сървър URL адрес (започва с http(s):// и порт по желание)",
"Internal Room Id":"ID на вътрешна стая",
matrixDesc1:"Може да намерите \"ID на вътрешна стая\" в разширените настройки на стаята във вашия Matrix клиент. Примерен изглед: !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server.",
matrixDesc2:"Силно препоръчваме да създадете НОВ потребител и да НЕ използвате токен кодът на вашия личен Matrix потребирел, т.к. той позволява пълен достъп до вашия акаунт и всички стаи към които сте се присъединили. Вместо това създайте нов потребител и го поканете само в стаята, където желаете да получавате известяванията. Токен код за достъп ще получите изпълнявайки {0}",
PushUrl:"Push URL адрес",
HeadersInvalidFormat:"Заявените хедъри не са валидни JSON: ",
BodyInvalidFormat:"Заявеното съобщение не е валиден JSON: ",
"Monitor History":"История на мониторите:",
clearDataOlderThan:"Ще се съхранява за {0} дни.",
"One record":"Един запис",
"Showing {from} to {to} of {count} records":"Показване на {from} до {to} от {count} записа",
steamApiKeyDescription:"За да мониторирате Steam Gameserver се нуждаете от Steam Web-API ключ. Може да регистрирате Вашия API ключ тук: ",
"Check Update On GitHub":"Auf Github nach Updates suchen",
"Check Update On GitHub":"Auf GitHub nach Updates suchen",
"Add New Monitor":"Neuer Monitor",
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export default {
checkEverySecond:"Überprüfe alle {0} Sekunden",
"Monitor Type":"MonitorTyp",
"Monitor Type":"Monitor-Typ",
"Friendly Name":"Anzeigename",
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ export default {
retriesDescription:"Maximale Anzahl von Wiederholungen, bevor der Dienst als inaktiv markiert und eine Benachrichtigung gesendet wird.",
ignoreTLSError:"Ignoriere TLS/SSL Fehler von Webseiten",
ignoreTLSError:"Ignoriere TLS-/SSL-Fehler von Webseiten",
"Upside Down Mode":"Invertierter Modus",
upsideDownModeDescription:"Im invertierten Modus wird der Dienst als inaktiv angezeigt, wenn er erreichbar ist.",
"Max. Redirects":"Max. Weiterleitungen",
maxRedirectDescription:"Maximale Anzahl von Weiterleitungen denen gefolgt werden soll. Auf 0 setzen um Weiterleitungen zu deaktivieren.",
maxRedirectDescription:"Maximale Anzahl von Weiterleitungen, denen gefolgt werden soll. Auf 0 setzen, um Weiterleitungen zu deaktivieren.",
"Accepted Status Codes":"Erlaubte HTTP-Statuscodes",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription:"Wähle die Statuscodes aus, welche trotzdem als erfolgreich gewertet werden sollen.",
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export default {
notificationDescription:"Weise den Monitor(en) eine Benachrichtigung zu, damit diese Funktion greift.",
"I understand, please disable":"Ich verstehe, bitte deaktivieren",
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export default {
"Certificate Info":"Zertifikatsinfo",
keywordDescription:"Ein Suchwort in der HTML oder JSON Ausgabe finden. Bitte beachte: es wird zwischen Groß-/Kleinschreibung unterschieden.",
keywordDescription:"Ein Suchwort in der HTML- oder JSON-Ausgabe finden. Bitte beachte: es wird zwischen Groß-/Kleinschreibung unterschieden.",
deleteMonitorMsg:"Bist du sicher, dass du den Monitor löschen möchtest?",
deleteNotificationMsg:"Möchtest du diese Benachrichtigung wirklich für alle Monitore löschen?",
resoverserverDescription:"Cloudflare ist als der Standardserver festgelegt, dieser kann jederzeit geändern werden.",
@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ export default {
"Clear Data":"Lösche Daten",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Bist du dir wirklich sicher, dass du ALLE Statistiken löschen möchtest?",
"Create your admin account":"Erstelle dein AdminKonto",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Bist du dir sicher, dass du ALLE Statistiken löschen möchtest?",
"Create your admin account":"Erstelle dein Admin-Konto",
"Repeat Password":"Wiederhole das Passwort",
"Resource Record Type":"Resource Record Type",
respTime:"Antw.Zeit (ms)",
respTime:"Antw.-Zeit (ms)",
"Default enabled":"Standardmäßig aktiviert",
"Apply on all existing monitors":"Auf alle existierenden Monitore anwenden",
@ -125,34 +125,34 @@ export default {
backupDescription2:"PS: Verlaufs- und Ereignisdaten sind nicht enthalten.",
backupDescription3:"Sensible Daten wie Benachrichtigungstoken sind in der Exportdatei enthalten, bitte bewahre sie sorgfältig auf.",
alertNoFile:"Bitte wähle eine Datei zum Importieren aus.",
alertWrongFileType:"Bitte wähle eine JSONDatei aus.",
alertWrongFileType:"Bitte wähle eine JSON-Datei aus.",
"Clear all statistics":"Lösche alle Statistiken",
importHandleDescription:"Wähle 'Vorhandene überspringen' aus, wenn jeder Monitor oder Benachrichtigung mit demselben Namen übersprungen werden soll. 'Überschreiben' löscht jeden vorhandenen Monitor sowie Benachrichtigungen.",
importHandleDescription:"Wähle 'Vorhandene überspringen' aus, wenn jeder Monitor oder jede Benachrichtigung mit demselben Namen übersprungen werden soll. 'Überschreiben' löscht jeden vorhandenen Monitor sowie Benachrichtigungen.",
"Skip existing":"Vorhandene überspringen",
confirmImportMsg:"Möchtest du das Backup wirklich importieren? Bitte stelle sicher, dass die richtige ImportOption ausgewählt ist.",
confirmImportMsg:"Möchtest du das Backup wirklich importieren? Bitte stelle sicher, dass die richtige Import-Option ausgewählt ist.",
"Keep both":"Beide behalten",
twoFAVerifyLabel:"Bitte trage deinen Token ein, um zu verifizieren, dass 2FA funktioniert",
"Verify Token":"Token verifizieren",
"Setup 2FA":"2FA einrichten",
"Enable 2FA":"2FA aktivieren",
"Disable 2FA":"2FA deaktivieren",
"2FA Settings":"2FAEinstellungen",
"2FA Settings":"2FA-Einstellungen",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg:"Bist du sicher, dass du 2FA aktivieren möchtest?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg:"Bist du sicher, dass du 2FA deaktivieren möchtest?",
tokenValidSettingsMsg:"Token gültig! Du kannst jetzt die 2FAEinstellungen speichern.",
retriesDescription:"Maximum retries before the service is marked as down and a notification is sent",
ignoreTLSError:"Ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites",
upsideDownModeDescription:"Flip the status upside down. If the service is reachable, it is DOWN.",
maxRedirectDescription:"Maximum number of redirects to follow. Set to 0 to disable redirects.",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription:"Select status codes which are considered as a successful response.",
passwordNotMatchMsg:"The repeat password does not match.",
notificationDescription:"Please assign a notification to monitor(s) to get it to work.",
keywordDescription:"Search keyword in plain html or JSON response and it is case-sensitive",
notificationDescription:"Notifications must be assigned to a monitor to function.",
keywordDescription:"Search keyword in plain HTML or JSON response. The search is case-sensitive.",
deleteMonitorMsg:"Are you sure want to delete this monitor?",
deleteNotificationMsg:"Are you sure want to delete this notification for all monitors?",
resoverserverDescription:"Cloudflare is the default server, you can change the resolver server anytime.",
rrtypeDescription:"Select the RR-Type you want to monitor",
resoverserverDescription:"Cloudflare is the default server. You can change the resolver server anytime.",
rrtypeDescription:"Select the RR type you want to monitor",
pauseMonitorMsg:"Are you sure want to pause?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"For every new monitor this notification will be enabled by default. You can still disable the notification separately for each monitor.",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"This notification will be enabled by default for new monitors. You can still disable the notification separately for each monitor.",
clearEventsMsg:"Are you sure want to delete all events for this monitor?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg:"Are you sure want to delete all heartbeats for this monitor?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Are you sure want to delete ALL statistics?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Are you sure you want to delete ALL statistics?",
importHandleDescription:"Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification.",
confirmImportMsg:"Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option.",
twoFAVerifyLabel:"Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working",
confirmImportMsg:"Are you sure you want to import the backup? Please verify you've selected the correct import option.",
twoFAVerifyLabel:"Please enter your token to verify 2FA:",
tokenValidSettingsMsg:"Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings.",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg:"Are you sure you want to enable 2FA?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg:"Are you sure you want to disable 2FA?",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ export default {
"Primary Base URL":"Primary Base URL",
"Check Update On GitHub":"Check Update On GitHub",
@ -75,6 +76,9 @@ export default {
"Upside Down Mode":"Upside Down Mode",
"Max. Redirects":"Max. Redirects",
"Accepted Status Codes":"Accepted Status Codes",
"Push URL":"Push URL",
needPushEvery:"You should call this URL every {0} seconds.",
octopushPhoneNumber:"Phone number (intl format, eg : +33612345678) ",
octopushSMSSender:"SMS Sender Name : 3-11 alphanumeric characters and space (a-zA-Z0-9)",
@ -269,17 +276,34 @@ export default {
"Basic Settings":"Basic Settings",
"User ID":"User ID",
"Messaging API":"Messaging API",
wayToGetLineChannelToken:"First access the {0}, create a provider and channel (Messaging API), then you can get the channel access token and user id from the above mentioned menu items.",
wayToGetLineChannelToken:"First access the {0}, create a provider and channel (Messaging API), then you can get the channel access token and user ID from the above mentioned menu items.",
"Icon URL":"Icon URL",
aboutIconURL:"You can provide a link to a picture in \"Icon URL\" to override the default profile picture. Will not be used if Icon Emoji is set.",
aboutMattermostChannelName:"You can override the default channel that webhook posts to by entering the channel name into \"Channel Name\" field. This needs to be enabled in Mattermost webhook settings. Ex: #other-channel",
aboutMattermostChannelName:"You can override the default channel that the Webhook posts to by entering the channel name into \"Channel Name\" field. This needs to be enabled in the Mattermost Webhook settings. Ex: #other-channel",
promosmsTypeEco:"SMS ECO - cheap but slow and often overloaded. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
promosmsTypeFlash:"SMS FLASH - Message will automatically show on recipient device. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
promosmsTypeFull:"SMS FULL - Premium tier of SMS, You can use Your Sender Name (You need to register name first). Reliable for alerts.",
promosmsTypeFull:"SMS FULL - Premium tier of SMS, You can use your Sender Name (You need to register name first). Reliable for alerts.",
promosmsTypeSpeed:"SMS SPEED - Highest priority in system. Very quick and reliable but costly (about twice of SMS FULL price).",
promosmsPhoneNumber:"Phone number (for Polish recipient You can skip area codes)",
promosmsSMSSender:"SMS Sender Name : Pre-registred name or one of defaults: InfoSMS, SMS Info, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
"Feishu WebHookUrl":"Feishu WebHookUrl",
"Feishu WebHookUrl":"Feishu WebHookURL",
matrixHomeserverURL:"Homeserver URL (with http(s):// and optionally port)",
"Internal Room Id":"Internal Room ID",
matrixDesc1:"You can find the internal room ID by looking in the advanced section of the room settings in your Matrix client. It should look like !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server.",
matrixDesc2:"It is highly recommended you create a new user and do not use your own Matrix user's access token as it will allow full access to your account and all the rooms you joined. Instead, create a new user and only invite it to the room that you want to receive the notification in. You can get the access token by running {0}",
// End notification form
PushUrl:"Push URL",
HeadersInvalidFormat:"The request headers are not valid JSON: ",
BodyInvalidFormat:"The request body is not valid JSON: ",
"Monitor History":"Monitor History:",
clearDataOlderThan:"Keep monitor history data for {0} days.",
PasswordsDoNotMatch:"Passwords do not match.",
"One record":"One record",
"Showing {from} to {to} of {count} records":"Showing {from} to {to} of {count} records",
steamApiKeyDescription:"For monitoring a Steam Game Server you need a Steam Web-API key. You can register your API key here: ",
passwordNotMatchMsg:"Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
notificationDescription:"Une fois ajoutée, vous devez l'activer manuellement dans les paramètres de vos hôtes.",
keywordDescription:"Le mot clé sera recherché dans la réponse HTML/JSON reçue du site internet.",
pauseDashboardHome:"Éléments mis en pause",
pauseDashboardHome:"En pause",
deleteMonitorMsg:"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette sonde ?",
deleteNotificationMsg:"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce type de notifications ? Une fois désactivée, les services qui l'utilisent ne pourront plus envoyer de notifications.",
resoverserverDescription:"Le DNS de cloudflare est utilisé par défaut, mais vous pouvez le changer si vous le souhaitez.",
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export default {
"Cert Exp.":"Certificat expiré",
"Cert Exp.":"Expiration SSL",
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ export default {
"Bot Token":"Bot Token",
"You can get a token from":"Vous pouvez obtenir un token depuis",
wayToGetTelegramToken:"Vous pouvez obtenir un token depuis {0}.",
"Chat ID":"Chat ID",
supportTelegramChatID:"Supporte les messages privés / en groupe / l'ID du salon",
wayToGetTelegramChatID:"Vous pouvez obtenir l'ID du chat en envoyant un message avec le bot puis en récupérant l'URL pour voir l'ID du salon :",
retryCheckEverySecond:"Coba lagi setiap {0} detik.",
retriesDescription:"Percobaan ulang maksimum sebelum layanan dinyatakan tidak aktif dan notifikasi dikirim",
ignoreTLSError:"Abaikan kesalahan TLS/SSL untuk situs web HTTPS",
upsideDownModeDescription:"Balikkan statusnya. Jika layanan dapat dijangkau, TIDAK AKTIF.",
maxRedirectDescription:"Jumlah maksimum pengalihan untuk diikuti. Setel ke 0 untuk menonaktifkan pengalihan.",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription:"Pilih kode status yang dianggap sebagai respons yang berhasil.",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription:"Pilih kode status yang dianggap sebagai tanggapan yang berhasil.",
passwordNotMatchMsg:"Sandi kedua tidak cocok.",
notificationDescription:"Harap atur notifikasi ke monitor agar berfungsi.",
keywordDescription:"Cari kata kunci dalam code html atau JSON huruf besar-kecil berpengaruh",
deleteMonitorMsg:"Apakah anda mau menghapus monitor ini?",
deleteNotificationMsg:"Apakah anda mau menghapus notifikasi ini untuk semua monitor?",
resoverserverDescription:"Cloudflare adalah server default, Anda dapat mengubah server resolver kapan saja.",
rrtypeDescription:"Pilih RR-Type yang mau anda monitor",
pauseMonitorMsg:"Apakah anda yakin mau menjeda?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"Untuk setiap monitor baru, notifikasi ini akan diaktifkan secara default. Anda masih dapat menonaktifkan notifikasi secara terpisah untuk setiap monitor.",
clearEventsMsg:"Apakah anda yakin mau menghapus semua event di monitor ini?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg:"Apakah anda yakin mau menghapus semua heartbeats di monitor ini?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Apakah anda yakin mau menghapus semua statistik?",
deleteMonitorMsg:"Apakah Anda mau menghapus monitor ini?",
deleteNotificationMsg:"Apakah Anda mau menghapus notifikasi ini untuk semua monitor?",
resoverserverDescription:"Cloudflare adalah server bawaan, Anda dapat mengubah server resolver kapan saja.",
rrtypeDescription:"Pilih RR-Type yang mau Anda monitor",
pauseMonitorMsg:"Apakah Anda yakin mau menjeda?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"Untuk setiap monitor baru, notifikasi ini akan diaktifkan secara bawaan. Anda masih dapat menonaktifkan notifikasi secara terpisah untuk setiap monitor.",
clearEventsMsg:"Apakah Anda yakin mau menghapus semua event di monitor ini?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg:"Apakah Anda yakin mau menghapus semua heartbeats di monitor ini?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Apakah Anda yakin mau menghapus semua statistik?",
importHandleDescription:"Pilih 'Lewati yang ada' jika Anda ingin melewati setiap monitor atau notifikasi dengan nama yang sama. 'Timpa' akan menghapus setiap monitor dan notifikasi yang ada.",
confirmImportMsg:"Apakah Anda yakin untuk mengimpor cadangan? Pastikan Anda telah memilih opsi impor yang tepat.",
twoFAVerifyLabel:"Silakan ketik token Anda untuk memverifikasi bahwa 2FA berfungsi",
tokenValidSettingsMsg:"Tokennya valid! Anda sekarang dapat menyimpan pengaturan 2FA.",
tokenValidSettingsMsg:"Tokennya benar! Anda sekarang dapat menyimpan pengaturan 2FA.",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg:"Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengaktifkan 2FA?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg:"Apakah Anda yakin ingin menonaktifkan 2FA?",
"New Update":"Update Baru",
"New Update":"Pembaruan Baru",
"Check Update On GitHub":"Cek Update di GitHub",
"Check Update On GitHub":"Cek Pembaruan di GitHub",
"Add New Monitor":"Tambah Monitor Baru",
"Quick Stats":"Statistik Cepat",
"Quick Stats":"Statistik",
Down:"Tidak Aktif",
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ export default {
DateTime:"Tanggal Waktu",
"No important events":"Tidak ada Event penting",
"No important events":"Tidak ada peristiwa penting",
Current:"Saat ini",
Uptime:"Waktu aktif",
@ -60,20 +60,20 @@ export default {
"Monitor Type":"Tipe Monitor",
"Friendly Name":"Friendly Name",
"Friendly Name":"Nama yang Ramah",
"Heartbeat Interval":"Interval Heartbeat ",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval":"Interval Heartbeat Mencoba kembali ",
"Heartbeat Interval":"Jarak Waktu Heartbeat ",
Retries:"Coba lagi",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval":"Jarak Waktu Heartbeat Mencoba kembali ",
Advanced:"Tingkat Lanjut",
"Upside Down Mode":"Mode Terbalik",
"Max. Redirects":"Maksimal Redirect/Pengalihan",
"Max. Redirects":"Maksimal Pengalihan",
"Accepted Status Codes":"Kode Status yang Diterima",
@ -81,25 +81,25 @@ export default {
"Setup Notification":"Setel Notifikasi",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar":"Theme - Heartbeat Bar",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar":"Tema - Heartbeat Bar",
None:"Tidak ada",
Timezone:"Zona Waktu",
"Search Engine Visibility":"Visibilitas Mesin Pencari",
"Allow indexing":"Mengizinkan untuk diindex",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site":"Mencegah mesin pencari untuk mengindex site",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site":"Mencegah mesin pencari untuk mengindex situs",
"Change Password":"Ganti Sandi",
"Current Password":"Sandi Lama",
"New Password":"Sandi Baru",
"Repeat New Password":"Ulangi Sandi Baru",
"Update Password":"Perbarui Kata Sandi",
"Disable Auth":"Nonaktifkan auth",
"Enable Auth":"Aktifkan Auth",
"Disable Auth":"Nonaktifkan Autentikasi",
"Enable Auth":"Aktifkan Autentikasi",
"I understand, please disable":"Saya mengerti, silahkan dinonaktifkan",
"I understand, please disable":"Saya mengerti, silakan dinonaktifkan",
@ -107,35 +107,35 @@ export default {
"Remember me":"Ingat saya",
"No Monitors, please":"Tidak ada monitor, silahkan",
"add one":"tambah baru",
"No Monitors, please":"Tidak ada monitor, silakan",
"add one":"tambahkan satu",
"Notification Type":"Tipe Notifikasi",
"Certificate Info":"Info Sertifikasi",
"Certificate Info":"Info Sertifikasi",
"Resolver Server":"Resolver Server",
"Resource Record Type":"Resource Record Type",
"Last Result":"Hasil Terakhir",
"Create your admin account":"Buat admin akun anda",
"Create your admin account":"Buat admin akun Anda",
"Repeat Password":"Ulangi Sandi",
"Import Backup":"Impor Backup",
"Export Backup":"Expor Backup",
"Import Backup":"Impor Cadangan",
"Export Backup":"Expor Cadangan",
respTime:"Tanggapan. Waktu (milidetik)",
"Default enabled":"Default diaktifkan",
"Default enabled":"Bawaan diaktifkan",
"Apply on all existing monitors":"Terapkan pada semua monitor yang ada",
"Clear Data":"Bersihkan Data",
"Auto Get":"Auto Get",
backupDescription:"Anda dapat mencadangkan semua monitor dan semua notifikasi ke dalam file JSON.",
backupDescription2:"Catatan: Data sejarah dan event tidak disertakan.",
backupDescription3:"Data sensitif seperti notifikasi token disertakan dalam file ekspor, harap simpan dengan hati-hati.",
alertNoFile:"Silakan pilih file untuk diimpor.",
alertWrongFileType:"Silakan pilih file JSON .",
"Auto Get":"Ambil Otomatis",
backupDescription:"Anda dapat mencadangkan semua monitor dan semua notifikasi ke dalam berkas JSON.",
backupDescription2:"Catatan: Data sejarah dan peristiwa tidak disertakan.",
backupDescription3:"Data sensitif seperti notifikasi token disertakan dalam berkas ekspor, harap simpan dengan hati-hati.",
alertNoFile:"Silakan pilih berkas untuk diimpor.",
alertWrongFileType:"Silakan pilih berkas JSON.",
"Clear all statistics":"Hapus semua statistik",
"Skip existing":"Lewati yang ada",
@ -145,29 +145,29 @@ export default {
"Setup 2FA":"Pengaturan 2FA",
"Enable 2FA":"Aktifkan 2FA",
"Disable 2FA":"Nonaktifkan 2FA",
"2FA Settings":"Settings 2FA",
"Two Factor Authentication":"Otentikasi Dua Faktor",
"2FA Settings":"Pengaturan 2FA",
"Two Factor Authentication":"Autentikasi Dua Faktor",
Inactive:"Tidak Aktif",
"Show URI":"Lihat URI",
"Add New below or Select...":"Tambahkan Baru di bawah atau Pilih...",
"Tag with this name already exist.":"Tag dengan nama ini sudah ada.",
"Tag with this value already exist.":"Tag dengan nilai ini sudah ada.",
"Tag with this name already exist.":"Tanda dengan nama ini sudah ada.",
"Tag with this value already exist.":"Tanda dengan nilai ini sudah ada.",
"value (optional)":"nilai (harus diisi)",
Gray:"Abu Abu",
Indigo:"Biru Tua",
Pink:"Merah Muda",
"Avg. Ping":"Rata-rata. Ping",
"Avg. Response":"Rata-rata. Respon",
"Avg. Ping":"Rata-rata Ping",
"Avg. Response":"Rata-rata Tanggapan",
"Entry Page":"Halaman Masuk",
statusPageNothing:"Tidak ada di sini, silakan tambahkan grup atau monitor.",
wayToGetLineChannelToken:"Pertama akses {0}, buat penyedia dan saluran (Messaging API), lalu Anda bisa mendapatkan token akses saluran dan id pengguna dari item menu yang disebutkan di atas.",
"Icon URL":"Icon URL",
aboutIconURL:"Anda dapat memberikan tautan ke gambar di \"Icon URL\" untuk mengganti gambar profil default. Tidak akan digunakan jika Ikon Emoji diset.",
aboutMattermostChannelName:"Anda dapat mengganti channel default tujuan posting webhook dengan memasukkan nama channel ke dalam Kolom \"Channel Name\". Ini perlu diaktifkan di pengaturan webhook Mattermost. contoh: #other-channel",
aboutIconURL:"Anda dapat memberikan tautan ke gambar di \"Icon URL\" untuk mengganti gambar profil bawaan. Tidak akan digunakan jika Ikon Emoji diset.",
aboutMattermostChannelName:"Anda dapat mengganti saluran bawaan tujuan posting webhook dengan memasukkan nama saluran ke dalam Kolom \"Channel Name\". Ini perlu diaktifkan di pengaturan webhook Mattermost. contoh: #other-channel",
promosmsTypeEco:"SMS ECO - murah tapi lambat dan sering kelebihan beban. Terbatas hanya untuk penerima Polandia.",
promosmsTypeFlash:"SMS FLASH - Pesan akan otomatis muncul di perangkat penerima. Terbatas hanya untuk penerima Polandia.",
promosmsTypeFull:"SMS FULL - SMS tingkat premium, Anda dapat menggunakan Nama Pengirim Anda (Anda harus mendaftarkan nama terlebih dahulu). Dapat diandalkan untuk peringatan.",
promosmsTypeSpeed:"SMS SPEED - Prioritas tertinggi dalam sistem. Sangat cepat dan dapat diandalkan tetapi mahal (sekitar dua kali lipat dari harga SMS FULL).",
promosmsTypeFull:"SMS FULL - SMS tingkat premium, Anda dapat menggunakan Nama Pengirim Anda (Anda harus mendaftarkan nama terlebih dahulu). Dapat diAndalkan untuk peringatan.",
promosmsTypeSpeed:"SMS SPEED - Prioritas tertinggi dalam sistem. Sangat cepat dan dapat diAndalkan tetapi mahal (sekitar dua kali lipat dari harga SMS FULL).",
promosmsPhoneNumber:"Nomor telepon (untuk penerima Polandia Anda dapat melewati kode area)",
promosmsSMSSender:"Nama Pengirim SMS : Nama pra-registrasi atau salah satu default: InfoSMS, Info SMS, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
promosmsSMSSender:"Nama Pengirim SMS : Nama pra-registrasi atau salah satu bawaan: InfoSMS, Info SMS, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
wayToGetTelegramChatID:"Możesz uzyskać swój identyfikator czatu, wysyłając wiadomość do bota i przechodząc pod ten adres URL, aby wyświetlić identyfikator czatu:",
retriesDescription:"Максимальное количество попыток перед пометкой сервиса как недоступного и отправкой уведомления",
ignoreTLSError:"Игнорировать ошибку TLS/SSL для HTTPS сайтов",
upsideDownModeDescription:"Реверс статуса сервиса. Если сервис доступен, то он помечается как НЕДОСТУПНЫЙ.",
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default {
"Add New Monitor":"Новый монитор",
"Quick Stats":"Статистика",
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ export default {
"Accepted Status Codes":"Допустимые коды статуса",
"Not available, please setup.":"Доступных уведомлений нет, необходима настройка.",
"Setup Notification":"Настроить уведомления",
"Not available, please setup.":"Доступных уведомлений нет, необходимо создать.",
"Setup Notification":"Создать уведомление",
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ export default {
"Show URI":"Показать URI",
"Clear all statistics":"Удалить всю статистику",
retryCheckEverySecond:"повторять каждые {0} секунд",
retryCheckEverySecond:"Повтор каждые {0} секунд",
importHandleDescription:"Выберите \"Пропустить существующие\", если вы хотите пропустить каждый монитор или уведомление с таким же именем. \"Перезаписать\" удалит каждый существующий монитор или уведомление и добавит заново. Вариант \"Не проверять\" принудительно восстанавливает все мониторы и уведомления, даже если они уже существуют.",
confirmImportMsg:"Вы действительно хотите восстановить резервную копию? Убедитесь, что вы выбрали подходящий вариант импорта.",
wayToGetLineChannelToken:"First access the {0}, create a provider and channel (Messaging API), then you can get the channel access token and user ID from the above mentioned menu items.",
"Icon URL":"Icon URL",
aboutIconURL:"You can provide a link to a picture in \"Icon URL\" to override the default profile picture. Will not be used if Icon Emoji is set.",
aboutMattermostChannelName:"You can override the default channel that the Webhook posts to by entering the channel name into \"Channel Name\" field. This needs to be enabled in the Mattermost Webhook settings. Ex: #other-channel",
promosmsTypeEco:"SMS ECO - cheap but slow and often overloaded. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
promosmsTypeFlash:"SMS FLASH - Message will automatically show on recipient device. Limited only to Polish recipients.",
promosmsTypeFull:"SMS FULL - Premium tier of SMS, You can use your Sender Name (You need to register name first). Reliable for alerts.",
promosmsTypeSpeed:"SMS SPEED - Highest priority in system. Very quick and reliable but costly (about twice of SMS FULL price).",
promosmsPhoneNumber:"Phone number (for Polish recipient You can skip area codes)",
promosmsSMSSender:"SMS Sender Name : Pre-registred name or one of defaults: InfoSMS, SMS Info, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
"Feishu WebHookUrl":"Feishu WebHookURL",
matrixHomeserverURL:"Homeserver URL (with http(s):// and optionally port)",
"Internal Room Id":"Internal Room ID",
matrixDesc1:"You can find the internal room ID by looking in the advanced section of the room settings in your Matrix client. It should look like !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server.",
matrixDesc2:"It is highly recommended you create a new user and do not use your own Matrix user's access token as it will allow full access to your account and all the rooms you joined. Instead, create a new user and only invite it to the room that you want to receive the notification in. You can get the access token by running {0}",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"For every new monitor this notification will be enabled by default. You can still disable the notification separately for each monitor.",
importHandleDescription:"Choose 'Skip existing' if you want to skip every monitor or notification with the same name. 'Overwrite' will delete every existing monitor and notification.",
confirmImportMsg:"Are you sure to import the backup? Please make sure you've selected the right import option.",
twoFAVerifyLabel:"Please type in your token to verify that 2FA is working",
tokenValidSettingsMsg:"Token is valid! You can now save the 2FA settings.",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg:"Are you sure you want to enable 2FA?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg:"Are you sure you want to disable 2FA?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"Bu bildirim her yeni serviste aktif olacaktır. Bildirimi servisler için ayrı ayrı deaktive edebilirsiniz. ",
importHandleDescription:"Aynı isimdeki bütün servisleri ve bildirimleri atlamak için 'Var olanı atla' seçiniz. 'Üzerine yaz' var olan bütün servisleri ve bildirimleri silecektir. ",