/// icons |> Positive icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds to consider that an already cached icon is fresh. After this period, the icon will be redownloaded
icon_cache_ttl: u64,true,def,2_592_000;
/// icons |> Negative icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds before trying to download an icon that failed again.
icon_cache_negttl: u64,true,def,259_200;
/// settings |> Disable icon downloads |> Set to true to disable icon downloading, this would still serve icons from $ICON_CACHE_FOLDER,
/// but it won't produce any external network request. Needs to set $ICON_CACHE_TTL to 0,
/// otherwise it will delete them and they won't be downloaded again.
disable_icon_download: bool,true,def,false;
/// settings |> Allow new signups |> Controls if new users can register. Note that while this is disabled, users could still be invited
signups_allowed: bool,true,def,true;
/// settings |> Allow invitations |> Controls whether users can be invited by organization admins, even when signups are disabled
invitations_allowed: bool,true,def,true;
/// settings |> Password iterations |> Number of server-side passwords hashing iterations. The changes only apply when a user changes their password. Not recommended to lower the value
password_iterations: i32,true,def,100_000;
/// settings |> Show password hints |> Controls if the password hint should be shown directly in the web page. Otherwise, if email is disabled, there is no way to see the password hint
show_password_hint: bool,true,def,true;
/// settings |> Domain URL |> This needs to be set to the URL used to access the server, including 'http[s]://' and port, if it's different than the default. Some server functions don't work correctly without this value
/// settings |> Reload templates (Dev) |> When this is set to true, the templates get reloaded with every request. ONLY use this during development, as it can slow down the server
reload_templates: bool,true,def,false;
/// log |> Enable extended logging
extended_logging: bool,false,def,true;
/// log |> Log file path
log_file: String,false,option;
/// settings |> Admin page token |> The token used to authenticate in this very same page. Changing it here won't deauthorize the current session