* Update atoz.md
Fix json section by removing json syntax highlighting. The `//` comments make it invalid and it looks weird. so i adjusted the note, tweaks the example to be valid without comments and one or two settings that were wrong and i think that will be acceptable.
* Update atoz.md
keep spaces instead of tabs
Here is the template `config.json` you need to use.
**Note:** All option that you do not want to use can be commented out using `//`. For example `// title: 'Terminal', // Page title` will comment out this line and it will be ignored.
ssh: {
user: 'username', // default user to use when ssh-ing
host: 'localhost', // Server to ssh to
auth: 'publickey,password', // shh authentication, method. Defaults to "password", you can use "publickey,password" instead'
pass: "password", // Password to use when sshing
key: "/home/username/.ssh/wetty", // path to an optional client private key, connection will be password-less and insecure!
port: 22, // Port to ssh to
knownHosts: '/dev/null', // ssh knownHosts file to use
**Note:** To be [validated json](https://codebeautify.org/jsonvalidator) the below json example should have the `// ...` comments removed. With all comments removed the example is valid json. They are in the example to help explain the options and won't stop wetty from loading if you leave them in place. Lines you do not need can be commented out but should be removed if you want the json to pass validation.
"ssh": {
"user": "username", // default user to use when ssh-ing
"host": "localhost", // Server to ssh to
"auth": "publickey,password", // shh authentication, method. Defaults to "password", you can use "publickey,password" instead'
"pass": "password", // Password to use when ssh-ing
"key": "/home/username/.ssh/wetty", // path to an optional client private key, connection will be password-less and insecure!
"port": 22, // Port to ssh to
"knownHosts": "/dev/null" // ssh knownHosts file to use
server: {
base: '/terminal/', // URL base to serve resources from