3 years ago | |
.github | 3 years ago | |
.storybook | 4 years ago | |
.vscode | 3 years ago | |
apps | 3 years ago | |
docker | 3 years ago | |
libs | 3 years ago | |
prisma | 3 years ago | |
test/import | 3 years ago | |
tools | 4 years ago | |
.editorconfig | 4 years ago | |
.env | 4 years ago | |
.eslintrc.json | 4 years ago | |
.gitignore | 3 years ago | |
.prettierignore | 3 years ago | |
.prettierrc | 4 years ago | |
.travis.yml | 3 years ago | |
.yarnrc | 4 years ago | |
CHANGELOG.md | 3 years ago | |
Dockerfile | 3 years ago | |
LICENSE | 4 years ago | |
README.md | 3 years ago | |
angular.json | 3 years ago | |
decorate-angular-cli.js | 4 years ago | |
jest.config.js | 4 years ago | |
jest.preset.js | 4 years ago | |
nx.json | 3 years ago | |
package.json | 3 years ago | |
publish-docker-image.sh | 3 years ago | |
replace.build.js | 4 years ago | |
tsconfig.base.json | 4 years ago | |
yarn.lock | 3 years ago |
Open Source Wealth Management Software made for Humans
Live Demo | Ghostfolio Premium | Blog | Slack | Twitter
Ghostfolio is an open source wealth management software built with web technology. The application empowers busy people to keep track of their wealth like stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies and make solid, data-driven investment decisions.

Ghostfolio Premium
Our official Ghostfolio Premium cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used for covering the hosting costs.
If you prefer to run Ghostfolio on your own infrastructure (self-hosting), please find further instructions in the section Run with Docker.
Why Ghostfolio?
Ghostfolio is for you if you are...
- 💼 trading stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies on multiple platforms
- 🏦 pursuing a buy & hold strategy
- 🎯 interested in getting insights of your portfolio composition
- 👻 valuing privacy and data ownership
- 🧘 into minimalism
- 🧺 caring about diversifying your financial resources
- 🆓 interested in financial independence
- 🙅 saying no to spreadsheets in 2021
- 😎 still reading this list
- ✅ Create, update and delete transactions
- ✅ Multi account management
- ✅ Portfolio performance: Time-weighted rate of return (TWR) for
- ✅ Various charts
- ✅ Static analysis to identify potential risks in your portfolio
- ✅ Import and export transactions
- ✅ Dark Mode
- ✅ Zen Mode
- ✅ Mobile-first design
Technology Stack
Ghostfolio is a modern web application written in TypeScript and organized as an Nx workspace.
The backend is based on NestJS using PostgreSQL as a database together with Prisma and Redis for caching.
The frontend is built with Angular and uses Angular Material with utility classes from Bootstrap.
Run with Docker (self-hosting)
- Docker
- A local copy of this Git repository (clone)
a. Run environment
Run the following command to start the Docker images from Docker Hub:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
Setup Database
Run the following command to setup the database once Ghostfolio is running:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml exec ghostfolio yarn database:setup
b. Build and run environment
Run the following commands to build and start the Docker images:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.build.yml build
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.build.yml up -d
Setup Database
Run the following command to setup the database once Ghostfolio is running:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.build.yml exec ghostfolio yarn database:setup
Fetch Historical Data
Open http://localhost:3333 in your browser and accomplish these steps:
- Create a new user via Get Started (this first user will get the role
) - Go to the Admin Control Panel and click Gather All Data to fetch historical data
- Click Sign out and check out the Live Demo
Upgrade Version
- Increase the version of the
Docker image indocker/docker-compose.yml
- Run the following command to start the new Docker image:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
- Then, run the following command to keep your database schema in sync:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml exec ghostfolio yarn database:migrate
- Run
yarn install
- Run
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.dev.yml up -d
to start PostgreSQL and Redis - Run
yarn database:setup
to initialize the database schema and populate your database with (example) data - Start the server and the client (see Development)
- Create a new user via Get Started (this first user will get the role
) - Go to the Admin Control Panel and click Gather All Data to fetch historical data
- Click Sign out and check out the Live Demo
Start Server
- Debug: Run
yarn watch:server
and click "Launch Program" in Visual Studio Code - Serve: Run
yarn start:server
Start Client
Run yarn start:client
Start Storybook
Run yarn start:storybook
Migrate Database
With the following command you can keep your database schema in sync:
yarn database:push
Run yarn test
Public API (experimental)
Import Activities
POST http://localhost:3333/api/v1/import
Authorization: Bearer Token
Set the header as follows:
"Authorization": "Bearer eyJh..."
"activities": [
"currency": "USD",
"dataSource": "YAHOO",
"date": "2021-09-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"fee": 19,
"quantity": 5,
"symbol": "MSFT"
"type": "BUY",
"unitPrice": 298.58
Field | Type | Description |
accountId | string (optional ) |
Id of the account |
currency | string | CHF | EUR | USD etc. |
dataSource | string | MANUAL (for type ITEM ) | YAHOO |
date | string | Date in the format ISO-8601 |
fee | number | Fee of the activity |
quantity | number | Quantity of the activity |
symbol | string | Symbol of the activity (suitable for dataSource ) |
type | string | BUY | DIVIDEND | ITEM | SELL |
unitPrice | number | Price per unit of the activity |
201 Created
400 Bad Request
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": [
"activities.1 is a duplicate activity"
Ghostfolio is 100% free and open source. We encourage and support an active and healthy community that accepts contributions from the public - including you.
Not sure what to work on? We have got some ideas. Please join the Ghostfolio Slack channel, tweet to @ghostfolio_ or send an e-mail to hi@ghostfol.io. We would love to hear from you.
If you like to support this project, get Ghostfolio Premium or Buy me a coffee.
© 2022 Ghostfolio
Licensed under the AGPLv3 License.