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s3.TUP Update library detection (v0.21.2)

- better library detection in cross toolchains by introducing the optional _checklib property to specify the concrete library filename
- fix config outdated message and update language files
- remove some tabs and whitespaces
WXbet 4 years ago
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# List of setup, build and config commands below. All commands are executed in the context of the current user.
# Pay attention to the SEMICOLON at the end of EACH command and the correct quoting (' or ") for or to avoid expansion of variables.
# Tokens that are replaced automatically:
# @CTNGSOURCE@ crosstool-NG source folder; support/crosstool/crosstool-ng
@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ SSL_102_beta="0";
SSL_102_version="$(curl --silent "" | jq '[.[] | select(.name|test("OpenSSL_1_0_2[a-z].*"))][0] | .name' | sed -e 's#OpenSSL_##g; s#_#.#g; s#\"##g')";
SSL_102_check="openssl.pc $(printf "$SSL_102_version" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')";
SSL_102_url="$(curl --silent "" | jq '[.[] | select(.name|test("OpenSSL_1_0_2[a-z].*"))][0] | .tarball_url' | sed -e 's#\"##g')";
SSL_102_tasks=('export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;');
SSL_102_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";');
@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ SSL_102B_name="OpenSSL";
SSL_102B_version="$(curl --silent "" | jq '[.[] | select(.name|test("OpenSSL_1_0_2[a-z].*"))][0] | .name' | sed -e 's#OpenSSL_##g; s#_#.#g; s#\"##g')";
SSL_102B_desc="OpenSSL $SSL_102B_version (1.0.0)";
SSL_102B_check="openssl.pc $(printf "$SSL_102_version" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')";
SSL_102B_url="$(curl --silent "" | jq '[.[] | select(.name|test("OpenSSL_1_0_2[a-z].*"))][0] | .tarball_url' | sed -e 's#\"##g')";
SSL_102B_tasks=('export TOOLCHAIN=@TOOLCHAIN@;');
SSL_102B_tasks+=('export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH";');


@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#simplebuild_plugin tcupdate
pdesc="Plugin $pname v$pversion";
@ -952,22 +952,20 @@ _get_toolchain_libs(){
if [ ! -z "$pkg" -a ! -z "$name" -a ! -z "$version" ];then
#try match with library from config
for l in "${LIBS[@]}"
for key in "${LIBS[@]}"
[ "${!l}" == "0" ] && continue;
[ "${!key}" == "0" ] && continue;
libversioncompare=$(_compare_version $libversion $version);
if [[ "$pkg $version" =~ ^${libcheck}.* ]];then #regex match, don't quote the right side
if [ -n "$libchecklib" -a -f "$pkgconfigdir/../$libchecklib" -o -z "$libchecklib" ];then
unset key && unset compare;
[ -n "$key" ] && libs+="$pkg\|$version\|$key\|$compare\|$name;";
@ -1199,6 +1197,7 @@ _check_config(){
if [ $tpl_version -gt $S3TUP_CONFIG_VERSION ];then
conf=" $(basename $configname) version: $S3TUP_CONFIG_VERSION\n$(basename $configtemplate) version: $tpl_version\n";
echo -e "${r_l}\nCHECK -> ${txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1}\n${y_l}${conf}\n${r_l}${txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2}\n${y_l}./s3 tcupdate --reset\n${re_}";
_paktc_timer 20;
return 1;


@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Компилатора не върна ди
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Вашия ${r_l}Github API лимит на обхвата е надхвърлен${y_l} и ще бъде ресетнат в следното време:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Моля изчакайте докато ресетнете конфигурацията си. Последните версии и линковете за сваляне на библиотеките се определят динамично от Github API. Надхвърлянето на лимита за Github API ще се отрази в грешки в генерирането на конфигурационния файл. За ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, рейт лимита позволява ${b_l}до 60 заявки на час${y_l}. Неидентифицираните заявки се асоциират с IP адреса на иницииращият, а не с потребителя правещ заявките."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="не е настроен коректно. Опит за поправка автоматично..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Изглежда конфиг фала Ви е остарял. Следните настройки липсват:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Изглежда конфиг фала Ви е остарял:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Моля рестарт s3 както следва за пресъздаване на свеж конфиг файл:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="променливата не съществува в конфигурационния файл!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Променливата променена на:"


@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Der Compiler gibt keine Include-Verzeichniss
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Ihr ${r_l}Github-API-Limit wurde überschritten${y_l} und wird zum folgenden Zeitpunkt zurückgesetzt:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Bitte warten Sie solange, bis Sie Ihre Konfigurationsdatei zurücksetzen. Die neuesten Versionen und Download-Links für die ${txt_lib} werden dynamisch über die Github-API ermittelt. Das Überschreiten des Limits der Github-API führt zu Fehlern beim Erstellen der Konfigurationsdatei. Für ${b_l}nicht authentifizierte Anfragen${y_l} beträgt das Limit ${b_l}bis zu 60 Anfragen pro Stunde${y_l}. Nicht authentifizierte Anfragen werden der ursprünglichen IP-Adresse zugeordnet und nicht dem anfragenden Benutzer."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="ist nicht richtig installiert. Es wird versucht, es automatisch zu korrigieren..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Die Konfigurationsdatei scheint veraltet zu sein. Folgende Einstellungen fehlen:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Die Konfigurationsdatei scheint veraltet zu sein:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Bitte starten Sie s3 wie folgt, um eine aktualisierte Konfigurationsdatei zu erstellen:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="Variable wurde nicht in der Konfigurationsdatei gefunden!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable geändert in:"


@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable changed to:"


@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="El compilador no devuelve directorios de inc
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Tu limite de ${r_l}Github API ha sido excedido${y_l} y será restablecido en el siguiente momento:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Por favor, espera hasta que restablezcas tu archivo de configuración. Las versiones más recientes y los enlaces de descarga de las librerías se determinan dinámicamente a través de la API de Github. Si se supera el límite de la API de Github, se producirán fallos en la generación del archivo de configuración. Para las solicitudes no autenticadas ${b_l}${y_l}, el límite permite a ${b_l}hasta 60 solicitudes por hora${y_l}. Las solicitudes no autenticadas se asocian con la dirección IP de origen, y no con el usuario que hace la solicitud."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="no está configurado correctamente. Intento de arreglarlo automáticamente..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Tu archivo de config parece estar obsoleto. Faltan los siguientes ajustes:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Tu archivo de config parece estar obsoleto:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Por favor, reinicia s3 de la siguiente manera para regenerar un archivo de config actualizado:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error=":la variable no existe en el archivo de configuración!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable modificada en:"


@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable changed to:"


@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Il compilatore non trova le cartelle di incl
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Il tuo ${r_l} limite di Github API è stato raggiunto {y_l} e sarà ripristinato in questo orario:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Ti preghiamo di attendere prima di reimpostare il tuo file di configurazione. Le versioni più recenti e i link di download sono determinati dinamicamente tramite la Github API. Se si raggiunge il limite concesso di Github API si otterranno errori nel generare file di configurazione. Per le {b_l}richieste non autenticate${y_l}, il limite permette ${b_l}un massimo di 60 richieste ogni ora${y_l}. Le richieste non autenticate vengono associate all'IP di provenienza e non all'utente che effettua la richiesta."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="non è impostato correttamente. Provo a correggere automaticamente..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Il tuo file di configurazione sembra essere obsoleto. Mancano le seguenti impostazioni:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Il tuo file di configurazione sembra essere obsoleto:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Riavvia s3 come mostrato qui in calce per generare un file config aggiornato:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variablile non esiste nel file di configurazione!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variabile modificata in:"


@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable changed to:"


@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable changed to:"


@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="Compiler returns no include directories!"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="Your ${r_l}Github API rate limit has been exceeded${y_l} and will be reset at the following time:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Please wait until you reset your configuration file. The most recent versions and download links for the libraries are determined dynamically via the Github API. Exceeding the rate limit of the Github API will result in failures on generationg the configuration file. For ${b_l}unauthenticated requests${y_l}, the rate limit allows ${b_l}up to 60 requests per hour${y_l}. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="is not setup correctly. Try to fix it automatically..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated. The following settings are missing:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Your config file seems to be outdated:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="Please restart s3 as follows to recreate an updated config file:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="variable does not exist in the configuration file!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable changed to:"


@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ txt_s3tup_msg_check_library_info3b="include-dosyası hiç yok dosyayi geri veriy
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info1="sizin ${r_l}Github-API-Limit aşırı doldu ${y_l} ve aşağıdaki zamanda sıfırlanacak:"
txt_s3tup_msg_github_api_limits_info2="Lütfen yapılandırma dosyanızı sıfırlayana kadar bekleyin. yeni download-link ve yeni versiyonlar ${txt_lib} Github API aracılığıyla dinamik olarak belirlenir. Github API sınırını aşmak, yapılandırma dosyasını oluştururken hatalara yol açar. bu ${b_l}kimliği doğrulanmamış istekler${y_l} bu mu sınır ${b_l}saatte 60 istek${y_l}. Değil Kimliği doğrulanmış İstekler orijinal olacak Talep eden kullanıcıya değil, atanan IP adresi."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_crosstool_setup_info="doğru yüklenmemiş. Otomatik olarak düzeltilmeye çalışıldı..."
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Yapılandırma dosyası güncel değil. Aşağıdaki ayarlar eksik:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info1="Yapılandırma dosyası güncel değil:"
txt_s3tup_msg_check_config_info2="lütfen başlat s3 güncellenmiş almak için aşağıdaki gibi yapılandırma dosyası oluştur:"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_error="Variable yapılandırma dosyasında bulunamadı!"
txt_s3tup_msg_change_config_info="Variable değişti:"
